Business presentationBusiness/Commercial Insurance

Businesses require many different kinds of investments from those who own and run them. Time and talent is a necessity; so is the desire to succeed. Not least, however, is the often substantial financial investment and/or risk undertaken. That's where the Gardner & Strayer Insurance Group comes in. We can't gift you with more time in your busy day, but we can help you protect your financial investment!

Whatever the nature or size of your business, we can assist you with the right product, or combination of products, to ensure that your assets are covered. We specialize in specialty programs for businesses. Let us put our expertise to work for you.

Request a Quote

Complete and submit the following information, and we will contact you with your options and our recommendations. If you prefer, you may download and print a Request for Quotation form pdf file and mail or fax it to us. All information is required.

Business Name:

Contact Name:


City: State: Zip Code:

Daytime Phone Number: email:

Type of Business:

How Long in Business? years          How Much Experience? years

Number Fulltime Employees:           Number Part-time Employees:

Annual Payroll: $       Annual Sales: $           Number of Vehicles:

Property Information


City: State: Zip Code:

Number Locations: Occupancy: Construction Type:

Value of Contents: $ Value of Tools: $ Square Footage:

Prior Insurance

Do You Have Insurance? Yes No          Any Lapse in Coverage? Yes No 

How Long Have You Been Insured? years

Current Insurance Expires: / /

Loss History


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